Mulberry hanging with new MS Exchange Server
Joe Winograd
2006-01-04 20:01:54 UTC
Mulberry 4.0.4
WinXP Pro SP2
Plenty of hardware

What does the SMTP option "Use Local Queues for Sending" mean? It can be
found in Preferences>Accounts>(Account: SMTP)>Options. If using Mulberry
with an MS Exchange Server, should this be checked or unchecked?

I'm trying to troubleshoot some behavior in Mulberry that has made it so
unstable that I'll have to stop using it if I can't find the problem. We
recently upgraded our MS Exchange Server to Win2003 and I'm now taking
many hits every day. The most common problem (there are others) is that
a message will stay in the SMTP Outgoing Message Queue and will hang
Mulberry. The only thing I can do at that time is to kill it via Task
Manager. It seems not to fail as often if I disable the SMTP queue after
sending each email and re-enabling it each time I do a send. This is
painful, but I'd do it if it stopped the crashing totally, but it
doesn't. Sometimes after doing the send, when I click the disable button
on the SMTP queue, it hangs until I kill it via Task Manager (I suspect
this is a manifestation of the same problem). Any ideas what might be
causing this problem and how to fix it? I'm guessing that it might be an
SMTP preference, which is why I started out this email asking about the
"Use Local Queues for Sending" option, but that's just a hip-shot.
Thanks much, Joe
